CSMs in Grenville: Geology, Issues and Challenges

Monday, November 18

9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. – Room 309B

Regular rate: $150

Student rate: $25

Workshop Organizers: Bertrand Rottier (Université Laval), Abdelali Moukhsil and Mhamed El Bourki (MRNF)

Critical and strategic minerals (CSMs) are key elements in the transition of modern societies to a green, less carbon-intensive economy. This explains the worldwide interest in exploring and exploiting CSMs, particularly in regions that are currently under-explored. The Grenville Province, with its substantial resources of various CSMs (graphite, rare earths, niobium, titanium, apatite, etc.), is currently undergoing intense exploration activity. This one-day workshop is intended for geologists, prospectors and students who want to learn about the geology of the various known CSM showings in the Grenville, as well as the issues and challenges associated with the exploration of these substances. Instructors will cover mineralization in rare earth elements, Ni-Cu, Fe-Ti-P and graphite during 30- to 45-minute presentations followed by two discussion periods. Representative samples of some lithologies and mineralization in the Grenville will be presented to help understand the subject.