
An Act to amend the Mining Act and other provisions (2024, c. 36) came into force on November 29, 2024, with the exception of certain provisions. The text of the amended Mining Act prevails.

Mineral resource maps

Version 5 of Google Earth is required, Google Earth Help  to view maps in Google Earth.

54 new targets with orogenic gold potential in the Ungava
This Google Earth file shows the location of 54 potential gold areas in the Ungava Orogen Northern Domain. These areas were generated through spatial analysis and integration of 27 geological parameters extracted from SIGÉOM. They are located in NTS sheets 35F/08, 35F/09 and 35G/10 to 35G/16. These areas are also displayed in GESTIM . Details on the modelling method will be published in 2013 (EP 2013-01).


Geochemical indicators of mineral potential

1. Methodology available in document EP 2010-01

2. For each downloaded item, an image in Google Earth format shows the levelled distribution of the element in lake sediments in Québec. This type of image is a regional reflection of the surrounding rock type. In some cases, the higher concentration of an element could indicate the presence of a deposit. Users of Google Earth Version 6 who experience display problems should choose DirectX in 3D View preferences (Preferences-> 3D View), and use Safe Mode.

Mining titles

These maps are available in three formats :

Other maps