Quantity, mine-mouth output value and duties paid by mining companies
In accordance with Sections 120 and 215 of the Mining Act , the ministère de l’Énergie et des Ressources naturelles must make public the quantity and value of the ore extracted and the duties paid by mining companies holding mining leases or mining concessions, as well as the royalties paid for the mining of surface mineral substances.
Quantity of the substances mined, their value and the duties paid per mines
- Quantity, mine-mouth output value and duties paid per mine in 2022
(in French only)
- Quantity, mine-mouth output value and duties paid per mine in 2021
(in French only)
- Quantity, mine-mouth output value and duties paid per mine in 2020
(in French only)
- Quantity, mine-mouth output value and duties paid per mine in 2019
- Quantity, mine-mouth output value and duties paid per mine in 2018
- Quantity, mine-mouth output value and duties paid per mine in 2017
- Quantity, mine-mouth output value and duties paid per mine in 2016
- Quantity, mine-mouth output value and duties paid per mine in 2015
- Quantity, mine-mouth output value and duties paid per mine in 2014
Extraction and royalties for surface mineral substances
- loose deposits (sand and gravel)
(in French only)
- silica
(in French only)
- crushed stone
(in French only)
- dimension stone
(in French only)
- peat
(in French only)
- loose deposits (sand and gravel)
(in French only)
- silica
(in French only)
- crushed stone
(in French only)
- dimension stone
(in French only)
- peat
(in French only)
- loose deposits (sand and gravel)
(in French only)
- silica
(in French only)
- crushed stone
(in French only)
- dimension stone
(in French only)
- peat
(in French only)
- loose deposits (sand and gravel)
(in French only)
- silica
(in French only)
- crushed stone
(in French only)
- dimension stone
(in French only)
- peat
(in French only)
- loose deposits (sand and gravel)
(in French only)
- silica
(in French only)
- crushed stone
(in French only)
- dimension stone
(in French only)
- peat
(in French only)
- loose deposits (sand and gravel)
(in French only)
- silica
(in French only)
- crushed stone
(in French only)
- dimension stone
(in French only)
- peat
(in French only)