


Change of address, Transfer and Delegation

Conversion and substitution

  • Application for the conversion of claim staked into map designation (PDF format ) (Word format )
  • Application for amalgamation of map designated claims located within a parcel of land determined by the minister (PDF format ) (Word format )
  • Application for replacement of map designated claims (PDF format ) (Word format )
  • Agreement between mining rights holders on the boundaries of titles to be converted or replaced (PDF format ) (Word format )

Mining site reclamation

Extraction rights – Mining lease and concession

Extraction rights – Application to mine surface mineral substances

  • Application for an exclusive lease to mine surface mineral substances (in French only) (PDF format ) (Word format )
  • Application for a non-exclusive lease to mine surface mineral substances (in French only) (PDF format ) (Word format )
  • Application for non-exclusive leases to mine surface mineral substances for the forest industry (in French only) (PDF format ) (Word format )
  • Application for a renewal or extension of exclusive lease to mine surface mineral substances (in French only) (PDF format ) (Word format )

Exploration Rights