An Act to amend the Mining Act and other provisions (2024, c. 36) came into force on November 29, 2024, with the exception of certain provisions. The text of the amended Mining Act prevails. Please refer to the notice of coming into effect for details.

Submitting applications

An application for map-designated claims shall include:

  • for the Norebec-Manitou reserve:
    • a notice of map designation;
    • a projected work program;
    • a rehabilitation plan, accompanied by a financial guarantee;
  • for the Lacs Guillaume-Delisle and à l’Eau Claire, Rivière Témiscamie, Monts Otish and Monts Puvirnituq reserves:
    • a notice of map designation;
    • a projected work program;
    • financial statements (the latest audited financial statements of the company, as well as the latest quarterly financial statements).

Notice of map designation

Planned work program

The applicant must submit a planned work program within 15 days from the notice of map designation’s presentation. The program must include the following information:

  • the work objective and the exploration strategy;
  • a description of the planned work and its location;
  • a description of previous work carried out on the land concerned, along with a map compiling all previous work;
  • a description of the regional and local geological context (lithology, structures, anomalies, alterations, mineral deposits), together with a geological map;
  • a description of the metallogenic model;
  • a work schedule and detailed cost assessment.

An applicant failing to include in his program all the required information or financial statements, upon its presentation to the registrar’s office or a designated regional office, may lead to its refusal without any further examination.

Program’s evaluation

The fact of submitting a program does not guarantee that the authorization to carry out mining work will be issued or that mining rights will be granted. The program will be analyzed and evaluated by a committee made up of three Department’s personnel members. The committee will then submit its recommendation to the Associated Deputy Minister of Mines, who will make the final decision.

The applicant must demonstrate to the committee the relevance of the mining exploration work and the applicant’s technical and financial ability to carry it out.

Granting of mining rights

The registrar will proceed to the registration of the notice of map designation which will be presented with the mining work program approuved by the Associated Deputy Minister of Mines.