
An Act to amend the Mining Act and other provisions (2024, c. 36) came into force on November 29, 2024, with the exception of certain provisions. The text of the amended Mining Act prevails.

Conversion, Replacement and Amalgamation

The conversion of mineral titles into map-designated claims and the replacement or amalgamation of map-designated claims enables claim holders to benefit from the advantages of the Mining Act and its amendments. The process is conducted with a presumption against interference with vested rights, regardless of the mechanism.

Conversion enables to replace staked claims by one or more map-designated claims whose boundaries are shown on the official mining titles map. The holder obtains a uniform distribution of work in excess of prescribed requirements, proportional to the area of the new map-designated claims.

Replacement enables claim holders to replace map-designated claims by other map-designated claims whose area and form correspond to those determined by the Department.

The parameters of the map-designated claims obtained by replacement are defined by the rules governing conversion in unsurveyed territory.

Amalgamation enables the holder to replace map-designated claims occupying parts of the same cell by a new map-designated claim. The parameters of the new map-designated claim obtained by amalgamation are defined by the rules governing conversion in unsurveyed territory.

The request for conversion, replacement, or amalgamation can be initiated by the holder or by the Department. It does not suspend the term of the claim and does not free the holder from obligations relating to the claims.