
An Act to amend the Mining Act and other provisions (2024, c. 36) came into force on November 29, 2024, with the exception of certain provisions. The text of the amended Mining Act prevails.

GESTIM Plus: a Mining Title Management System

Québec mining titles have been computerized and are easily accessible over the Internet. GESTIM Plus  is a geomatics application providing instant access to up-to-date data in the Register of real and immovable mining rights in Québec. Among other things, GESTIM Plus makes it possible to:

  • Reduce the costs associated with acquiring and monitoring mining titles for mining exploration stakeholders
  • Consult data in the public registry of mining titles by selecting the desired parameters
  • Display and download maps of mining titles at no charge in PDF format
  • Generate maps of mining titles tailored to your needs
  • Pay the required fees electronically in a totally secure environment.

Consultation Module

The module used to consult GESTIM Plus mining titles offers user-friendly browsing. Just point to the sector on the map of Québec to consult the titles. A single click enlarges the area on a topographic background suitable for the selected scale.

Users can also generate maps by selecting parameters from a list of many features grouped according to theme (active titles, archived titles, surface mineral substances, designation and staking, constraints, declared work, topographic data). The map is refreshed whenever a parameter is selected.

You can also build very specific queries by selecting miscellaneous criteria among title types, status, holders, mineral substance, and declared work.

Self-Management of Mining Titles

GESTIM’s member services module gives people involved in the mining industry tools that facilitate the management of mining titles. The module allows users to consult and download data about all of their mining titles, such as status and detailed information about the titles, whether completed or still pending.

Each member can therefore use online Forms:

  • Notice of Map Designation
  • Notice of Staking
  • Prospecting Licence
  • Claim Renewal
  • Surface Mineral Sustances
  • Declaration of extraction
  • Delegate a Manager

See also

Québec Mining titles maps  (Available in French)


Direction générale de la gestion du milieu minier
5700, 4e Avenue Ouest, C 320
Québec (Québec) G1H 6R1
Téléphone : 418 627-6292
Ligne sans frais : 1 800 363-7233 (sans frais au Canada et aux États-Unis)
Télécopieur : 418 643-9297
Courriel : gestion.milieu.minier@mern.gouv.qc.ca