Knowledge and Methods for Mineral Exploration in Quebec: New CONSOREM Research Findings

Monday, November 18

9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. – Room 306B

Regular rate: $250

Student rate: $50

Workshop Organizer: Benoit Lafrance (CONSOREM-UQAC)

This workshop presents the findings of research projects carried out in 2023-2024 by CONSOREM (Consortium for Research in Mineral Exploration) researchers. CONSOREM is a pre-competition applied research partnership dedicated to training and knowledge transfer, as well as the production of cutting-edge methods and knowledge for the exploration of mineral resources in Quebec. The results of six projects will be presented, covering a broad spectrum of mineral exploration themes:

  1. Characterization of intrusive suites for CSM potential in the central and northeastern portions of the Grenville Province;
  2. Lithium in Quebec: mineral potential and exploration tools;
  3. Biogeochemistry and mineral exploration in a boreal context – phase 2;
  4. Fault association, orogenic sedimentary basin and intrusions for gold exploration in contexts other than southern Abitibi;
  5. Use of multivariate statistical methods in exploration geochemistry – phase 2: non-linear analysis;
  6. Treatment of the geochemistry (alteration) of sedimentary rocks.