
An Act to amend the Mining Act and other provisions (2024, c. 36) came into force on November 29, 2024, with the exception of certain provisions. The text of the amended Mining Act prevails.

Reservation to the State and withdrawal from mining activity

The Ministère de l’Énergie et des Ressources naturelles (MERN) may reserve to the State or withdraw from prospecting, exploration and mining operations any mineral substance forming part of the domain of the State and required for any purpose it considers to be in the public interest, in particular for:

  • the creation of parks or protected areas
  • conservation of vegetation and wildlife
  • development and utilization of water power, power transmission lines, storage tanks or underground reservoirs
  • protection of eskers that may be a source of drinking water
  • compliance with protection areas established under the Groundwater Catchment Regulation 
  • protection of rehabilitation and restoration work carried out in accumulation areas
  • classification as an exceptional forest ecosystem or designation of biological refuge status under the Sustainable Forest Development Act 

Outstanding geological site

The Department may classify an outstanding geological site and establish its boundaries. Mining activities are prohibited in outstanding geological sites.

Boundaries of areas reserved to the State and withdrawn from mining activities

The boundaries of outstanding geological sites and areas reserved to the State or withdrawn from mining activities are shown on the map of mining titles  published in GESTIM.

Impacts of withdrawal from mining activity, reservation to the State and classification as an outstanding geological site

Impacts of withdrawal from mining activity

  • Prospecting, staking and map designation of claims, mine exploration work and mining operations are all prohibited.
  • Leases to mine surface mineral substances (e.g. sand and gravel) are also prohibited.
  • There is no impact on mining titles already granted or for which applications are pending.

Impacts of reservation to the State

  • The Department may establish special conditions and requirements for mine exploration work and mining operations on territories reserved to the State (e.g. consult the section entitled Conditions for exploration in State reserves.
  • The Department may, on the conditions it determines, allow mining exploration or operations in respect of specific mineral substances (e.g. sand and gravel only) on land reserved to the State.
  • Where the Department has not established special conditions, the territory reserved to the State is considered to be closed and no mining title will be granted in that area.
  • There is no impact on mining titles already granted or for which applications are pending.