An Act to amend the Mining Act and other provisions (2024, c. 36) came into force on November 29, 2024, with the exception of certain provisions. The text of the amended Mining Act prevails. Please refer to the notice of coming into effect for details.

Notices 2015

New Declaration Form for Work on a Claim Work Report on claims

October, 5th, 2015

According to section 72 of the Mining Act, the holder of a claim must produce a report for all work performed on a claim. Since July, 17th 2015, this report must be submitted using the new version of the Work declaration form . New requirements are requested in sections 1 to 4 (Applicant, Operators, Properties / Projects, Statement) of the form to ensure concordance with the Mining Tax Act.

Additional Amount for Late Filing Of Work Report on a Claim

August 1st, 2015

This notice is published pursuant to Section 72 of the Mining Act (Chapter M-13.1) .

Any claim holder may, regardless of the excess amount spent for work on the title, within sixty days of the expiry date of his claim, report to the Minister on all the work performed. However, for an additional amount prescribed by regulation, send, according to the section 72 of the Mining Act, chapter M-13.1, his report after that date provided he does so before the expiry date of his claim (S. 13 of the Regulation respecting mineral substances other than petroleum, natural gas and brine )

Limit of postponement of the Amount of Excess Work on a Claim

May 6th, 2015

As of May 6th, 2015, the amount of excess work spent on a claim cannot be applied for more than the six subsequent terms of the claim unless work is performed on the claim to be renewed before terms expire (Section 75, Mining Act, c. M-13.1)

May 6th, 2015

As of May 6th, 2015, the amount of excess work spent on a claim cannot be applied for more than the six subsequent terms of the claim unless work is performed on the claim to be renewed before terms expire (Section 75, Mining Act, c. M-13.1)

Credit card payment

This Directive shall come into force on April 1, 2015. It renders any previous directive on the same topic null and void.

In order to comply with new safety standards set by credit card companies and to ensure the security and confidentiality of your bank transactions, the Direction des titres miniers et des systèmes must revise its payment options.

Any transmission of credit card data by the following means – mail, e-mail, fax and telephone – is now prohibited.

Customers who would like to make credit card payments must do so via Internet through the GESTIM website at the following address: You must be a privilege member to have this option.

Any banking information received in a prohibited manner after April 1, 2015, will be destroyed.

N.B.: Cheques are accepted.

You will find an updated version of our forms on the website of the Ministère de l’Énergie et des Ressources naturelles.

For further information, please contact customer service at 1-800-363-7233.