An Act to amend the Mining Act and other provisions (2024, c. 36) came into force on November 29, 2024, with the exception of certain provisions. The text of the amended Mining Act prevails.

Notices 2006

Determination of common claim expiry date and reduction of term

This directive comes into effect on May 18, 2006. It renders null and void any other prior directive on the same topic. The directive is adopted pursuant to section 83.13 of the Mining Act (R.S.Q., c. M-13.1), which stipulates the following:

“The determination of a common expiry date or the reduction of a term obtained following an application shall not affect the rights and obligations of the holder of the claims concerned by the application.”

The filing of an application for the determination of a common claim expiry date does not suspend the term of the claims and does not release the titleholder of his obligation to renew the claims concerned by the application.

Determination of a common claim expiry date is not an obligation, but renewal is mandatory if the titleholder wishes to maintain the claims in good standing.

Moreover, determination of a common claim expiry date is not a substitute for renewal and applications to this effect are not processed in priority.

If the application for the determination of a common claim expiry date cannot be processed before the claim expiry date and the titleholder has not filed the prescribed claim renewal application, then the claims will expire.

Directive concerning staking parks

Please note that previous directives and procedures concerning staking parks are no longer in force.

Staking is only allowed inside a staking park.

A staking park consists of parcels of land on which claims are staked, as well as a surrounding buffer zone. This zone is defined as a free space of at least 1000 metres surrounding staked claims that have been kept in good standing since November 22, 2000. It consists, along the north-south axis, of an entire cell measuring 30 seconds of latitude by 30 seconds of longitude, and, in the east-west axis, of at least two entire cells measuring 30 seconds of latitude by 30 seconds of longitude.

New claims staked since November 22, 2000, do not increase the territory reserved for staking.

In unsurveyed territory that is subject to staking and is enclosed within surveyed territory, the staking park ends where the surveyed land begins.