Mariangiola Fabbri

Buildings Performance Institute Europe

Mariangiola Fabbri is Head of Research at Building Performance Institute Europe (BPIE), where she leads the design and implementation of its research and policy strategy and oversees the day-to-day work of the research team. With over 15 years of experience working in energy efficiency and climate change policy analysis, Mariangiola has managed numerous flagship projects at BPIE, including iBroad, De-Risking Energy Efficiency Investments (DG ENER), EmBuild, and the adoption of the Clean Energy Package for All Europeans.

Mariangiola held previous roles in consulting at Dunsky Énergie + Climat and as a Senior Policy Officer at the WWF in Brussels, where she led the organisation’s energy efficiency work, contributing to the adoption and implementation of a wide range of policies, including the recast of the EPBD, the Climate and Energy Package, and the Eco-design and Energy Services Directives.

Mariangiola holds a Masters in Environmental Law and a Masters in European Political and Administrative Studies, and served several years on the board of CAN-Europe and Topten International Group.