Alain Lemieux

Vallée de la transition énergétique

After graduating in 1985, Alain Lemieux pursued a career as a computer programmer and analyst, before founding Epsilia in 1988. At the end of the 1990s, he decided to focus on research and development to meet the issues and challenges facing the agri-food sector, in order to improve the performance of processing plants. Epsilia became the leader in traceability and interoperability solutions in Quebec.

In 2019, competitiveness, labor issues and hard-to-value manual production are leading Lemieux to think about uniting the digital and physical worlds, and intelligent process automation is taking off. Noovelia was born in this context.

Since June 2022, he has been Director General of the Vallée de la Transition Énergétique (VTE) innovation zone. The VTE is a project driven by the desire of 3 cities (Bécancour, Shawinigan and Trois-Rivières) and the academic community to accelerate the energy transition and reduce the environmental footprint within urban and industrial port environments in Quebec and elsewhere in the world.

In a few words, Alain Lemieux is a visionary and entrepreneur at heart, helping to develop new horizons and embodying a new model of leadership. His commitment: “To make a positive difference in people’s lives”. He believes that “in today’s world, the fast eats the slow”.