Abdelali Moukhsil


Abdelali Moukhsil (Ali) holds a master’s degree and a doctorate in mineral resources from UQAC, obtained in 1991 and 1996 respectively, specializing in the emplacement of intrusions in the Abitibi region. He joined Géologie Québec in 1998 as a mapping geologist for the Lower and Middle Eastmain in the James Bay region. From 2002 to 2006, he worked as a resident geologist in the Côte-Nord (based in Sept-Îles). From 2006 to 2022, he worked as a geologist and expert cartographer for the Province of Grenville. In 2023, he began working as a metallogenist, and was recently promoted to the position of emeritus geologist and strategic advisor for the Direction de l’Acquisition des connaissances géoscientifiques (DACG).