Workshop on the Update of Directive 019 Pertaining to the Mining Industry – Version 2024

Monday, November 18

9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. – Room 307A

Regular rate: $50

Student rate: $20

Workshop Organizer: Sophie Proulx and Mélanie Boutour (MELCCFP)

Directive 019 pertaining to the mining industry is a tool developed by the Ministère de l’Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs (MELCCFP) to assist mining project promoters in the planning and management of their projects and to help them meet the Ministère’s environmental protection requirements and directions.

This Directive, last revised in 2012, has been updated to ensure alignment with other reference documents and directions developed by the MELCCFP since its last edition. Current tailings management practices recognized internationally by the mining industry have also been taken into account in this revision of Directive 019.

During this half-day workshop, representatives from the MELCCFP will present key changes made to the new edition of Directive 019. The presentation will include a number of case studies to facilitate understanding of the implementation framework for the new requirements, both for projects under development and for mines already in production.

Specifically, the requirements relating to the following aspects will be presented:

  • The implementation framework and entry-into-force procedures;
  • Requirements at the point of final effluent discharge;
  • Tailings and ore characterization;
  • Tailings management and stability of accumulation areas;
  • Mandatory environmental monitoring procedures;
  • Information and documents to be included in annual reports.

The workshop is designed for companies involved in mining activities, engineers responsible for planning and managing mining projects, engineers and professionals responsible for preparing the technical documentation needed to obtain ministerial authorizations and produce environmental monitoring reports, and students in mining-related programmes.