Martine Paradis

Nouveau Monde Graphite

Vice-President, Environment and sustainable infrastructure. With over 20 years of experience in critical infrastructures design, fieldwork on mine tailings and mine waste, technology selection, abandoned and active minesite reclamation and for northern mine projects affected by global warming. For Nouveau Monde Graphite she oversees governance for tailings and water management, legislations application, and plan the operational parameters of NMG projects with environmental considerations. Martine is a geological engineer and holds a master’s in environmental Geochemistry from University Laval-INRS and is a certified Project Management Professional. She is also a representative of the industry as a member of the board of directors for the MISA Group, a group of excellence for innovation, and representative of NMG as a member of the board for Espace Nature, an organization that develops the territorial integration plan for the Matawinie mining project.