
An Act to amend the Mining Act and other provisions (2024, c. 36) came into force on November 29, 2024, with the exception of certain provisions. The text of the amended Mining Act prevails.

Geoscience Databases

You can now access SIGÉOM, a unique spatially-referenced geomining information system. This system contains all the geoscience data accumulated in Québec over the last 150 years. Each year, it is enriched with the results of prospecting and exploration work carried out by the Minstry, mining companies and universities.

You will find:

  • A user-friendly interactive map  giving an overview of SIGÉOM data.
  • Cartographical Web services  allowing you to quickly integrate and compare SIGÉOM reference data for your projects.
  • The SIGÉOM à la carte  feature providing full access to all geoscientific data. With this feature, you can perform searches using specific criteria and can obtain customized maps and formats.
  • The Examine  document bank listing over 80,000 documents (bibliographical information, reports, maps).

With SIGÉOM, you can consult, find and order the products you need. Commercial transactions are performed in a secure environment.